I first heard the story, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” as a grade schooler. I thought it was funny (and pretty stupid) that someone could be talked into something their eyes told them wasn’t true. Now I hear the current administration, pundits and most of the media following that storyline. The southern border is secure, oil and fossil fuel needs are beyond their control, speech needs to be censored, rioting and burning cities is only protesting, stealing under $1,000 isn’t that bad, inflation is a good thing, the supply chain is too complex for Americans to understand, America is so racist that critical race theory should be taught, and parents have no business interfering with school curriculums.
If you believe this new nightmare of a fairytale, stop! What do your eyes tell you? Listen! What foolishness are you hearing and accepting? Why do you want to parade around in your underwear?
Shari Gibbs
Canyon Country