Tom Pedersen | A Future Scenario for Columnist?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Regarding Joshua Heath’s Nov. 30 piece in The Signal, I would like not to criticize his current thinking but instead speculate on his own perspective, say 15 years from now. For brevity, let’s envision just one isolated circumstance for the (future) Joshua. The subject is school, which he mentions in his piece.

So 15 years from now, with his children in public school, Joshua learns that the school board wants to eliminate honors classes because such classes create anxiety in some parents and children by labeling and separating accomplished students. Joshua has always valued education for himself and vigorously for his children. He speaks directly to the board of his passion for quality honors classes for his gifted children and others, only to be labeled an insensitive person or worse, and perhaps become the subject of federal investigation. Joshua may do what so many of all political stripes do when their own ideology hits them negatively. Joshua acts decisively, temporarily sacrifices his ideology, and transfers his children to private schools.  

Joshua will be faced over and over with challenges to his beliefs while seeking personal and family safety, financial security, and yes, his children’s education. 

It’s a perfect lab for growth or creeping hypocrisy.

Tom Pedersen

Santa Clarita

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