Ron Singerman | Ironic Juxtaposition

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

This is in regard to Ms. Lois Eisenberg’s letter to the editor, May 13, “Where Has the Grand Ol’ GOP Gone?”

Coincidentally, it was directly below Rep. Mike Garcia’s speech before the House commenting on the state of the nation in regard to the current administration’s policies.

Hopefully Ms. Eisenberg also reads opinions from the other side, whether she agrees or not. I hope she read Rep. Garcia’s offering. His speech was actually adjacent to her letter.

I would like to hear her opinions on some of the issues, such as Fentanyl deaths in the six figures. Borders obviously open. Oil drilling being cut back so we have to buy oil from unfriendly countries. Out-of-control inflation and rising debt.

Ms. Eisenberg, your comments?

Ron Singerman


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