This is the second letter I’ve recently read in The Signal (Diane Zimmerman, March 29), the first one being my own, taking issue with Gary Morrison’s “observations.”
I have no particular feelings for Ms. Zimmerman either way, but when I read her letter this morning I started laughing because she was saying the same thing I was saying, and that is, “Don’t put words into my mouth, Mr. Morrison.” According to Gary’s letters, Ms. Zimmerman witnessed fraud at an election and I defended Donald Trump in my letter — both assertions are false.
I don’t think Mr. Morrison is a liberal activist by any stretch, but he has exhibited a slight tendency to stretch some of the things others have said, or make them up entirely. Some people see what they want to see and others hear what they want to hear (or read what they want to read), and that is based in their personal bias or prejudice. It usually occurs at the subconscious level. I doubt Mr. Morrison is even aware of it when he’s doing it.
I wonder if reading Ms. Zimmerman’s letter will cause Mr. Morrison to notice the annoying pattern that other letter writers are revealing.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita