Richard Cesaroni | Socialism Alive in the U.S.

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

This country that I was born into 83 years ago is slowly coming to an end. The FBI conducting a raid on the home of a former president is unbelievable in that it has “never” been done since the start of this country. The IRS has been weaponized. The man who signed off on the search warrant for Donald Trump’s house was Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney.

Voters, you are seeing socialism at its very best and it is alive in our country. Open your eyes before it is too late. Now the radical left, not being able to confirm or convict Donald Trump in its latest kangaroo court/witch hunt, has set the process aside until the election in which they fear Donald Trump will run for the presidency. They will hold off and then release all the testimony of the Democratic witnesses and try to scare all the voters into a panic in hopes that they will vote for Joe Biden.

The Democratic Party is so fractured that they don’t know which way is up. Try to find a news station that delivers some semblance of the truth. I recommend FOX News.

The Democratic Party is so wrapped up into the money of George Soros and his cabal that it literally stinks of corruption. And they flaunt it in the faces of the voters. 

Richard Cesaroni

Former Santa Clarita resident

Tullahoma, Tennessee

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