Perhaps, given the current situation regarding letters to the editor, you should have a weekly full-page feature. Call it the Signal Forum. Then all these people who write letters with completely opposing viewpoints, and then write more letters arguing with the other person’s last letter, could still vent their anger, and/or post their opinions. However, a full page would leave room for letters that are not argumentative from other people. I do hope you get some of these kinds of letters.
I disagree with many of the political opinions and articles in The Signal, but do not see the need to always engage in written combat. That said, I do enjoy getting The Signal for the coverage of community happenings and coming events. Local newspapers are the bedrock of American journalism, and I think it is vital that The Signal, as well as every other local newspaper, be supported.
Judy Reinsma
Santa Clarita
Editor’s note: Thank you very much! We publish almost all the letters we receive from local residents — with a few rare exceptions for things that are in bad taste, potentially libelous, etc. We welcome all viewpoints — and yes, we would absolutely welcome more letters that refrain from engaging in “written combat”!