Charles Yacoobian | They’re ALL About the Green

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Response to Jonathan Kraut’s “Will Fox Bubble Burst” column, which appeared in The Signal March 28:

Do the talking heads at Fox News slant their commentary to appeal to their viewers? Absolutely. Mr. Kraut, let’s be honest, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC — which is commonly referred to as MSDNC — slant their news to appeal to their liberal/Democrat viewers. 

None of the news stations are innocent choir boys and girls. They all embellish the “facts,” yes, even lie, to fit the network’s narrative with their viewers’ point of view/political affiliation. 

You quote Rupert Murdoch as saying it’s all about the green (money). Well, the same is true for the above-mentioned liberal news outlets.

Charles Yacoobian


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