L.A. County is now attempting studies to better represent its 10 million constituents and the related $44 billion budget by possibly expanding the number of supervisors. What they likely won’t explore is the creation of a new county that would include the Santa Clarita Valley and the Antelope Valley. These north L.A. County communities have very different interests and needs than the other L.A. County areas. Unfortunately, they will likely gerrymander and create new districts that will only result in higher taxes. It’s time to split.
A case in point: As visitors approach Santa Clarita from the east, they will get a warm “Welcome to Santa Clarita” with a hideous view of 1,000-plus junk yard cars in the riverbed. Ironically, most of our local state, county and city elected officials made numerous election pledges to fight the Cemex mining operation in that same area and then almost overnight we got a huge junkyard that flew stealth under their radar. Meanwhile, the junk yard cars keep flowing in. Maybe they will control east side growth.
John Dennis
Santa Clarita