Nancy Lulejian Starczyk | Thanks to Rep. Garcia

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

For over 36 years I have worked in the real estate industry. For most of that time, I have been a legislative advocate and government affairs chair in both the Santa Clarita Valley and San Fernando Valley. Working with countless elected officials has made me acutely aware of how many issues that affect our communities are not fully understood by most elected officials. 

Real estate is a huge revenue source on all levels — national, state and local. I learned way back when: “Get into politics or get out of business!” 

Realtors promote homeownership and protect private property rights. 

Homeownership promotes responsibility, provides pathways to generational wealth, advances education, instills pride of ownership, builds family strength, unites communities, reduces crime, decreases adversity, provides security and grows the economy! 

Recently I had the opportunity to meet with our congressman, Mike Garcia. It is clear to me that he truly understands real estate, the housing availability and affordability crisis and recognizes how critical real estate issues are to our community right here in Santa Clarita.  

The Southland Regional Association of Realtors, the California Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors want to say a special thank you to Congressman Garcia for co-sponsoring H.R. 1321. Should this come into effect, it would increase the capital gains exclusions on primary residence and index for inflation. Current levels would be raised to $500,000 for singles and $1 millon for marrieds. 

Additionally, we wish to thank him for originating the “eliminate or increase” of the SALT (state and local tax) cap. This would benefit countless Americans across the country — not just here in his district.  

We are fortunate that Congressman Garcia understands how ensuring “housing for all” impacts our community. He “gets it.” It is reassuring knowing he is there at the table when policies are being made.   

Nancy Lulejian Starczyk

Santa Clarita

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