Diane Zimmerman | Offended by Treatment

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Re: College of the Canyons Independent Citizens Bond Oversight Committee meeting, Jan. 10.

Agenda Item 3: ACTION 3.1 Financial; “Acceptance of Measure E General Obligation Bond Finance Audit and Performance Audit for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023” — Brandon Harrison, Eide Bailly LLP.

Brandon had started his slide show on the big screen in the meeting room, the size of a small classroom. Mr. Steve Petzold and I were sitting off to left side of the screen, behind (COC Assistant Superintendent) Omar Torres. The sun was making it so that neither of us could read what was on the screen. We got up and went to the back, a few feet behind Committee Chair Fred Arnold. We could then read what was being shown clearly. I went back to my chair and Dr. Torres seemed genuinely concerned with my not being able to see the presentation clearly. I told him not to worry. 

As I was getting up to go stand by Mr. Petzold, he was admonished that he could not stand at the window behind Mr. Arnold. Mr. Arnold then got out of his chair and walked over to where Steve and I had been sitting, and stated (paraphrasing), “Best seats in the house!” He went back to his seat and continued the meeting. I was so shocked at what I considered his rudeness that I stood up and asked him to please get up and come sit in the seat I was sitting in and tell me he could see. He would not. I apologized to the presenter and said I was leaving before I might lose my temper and say something I would regret. 

 I realize that I had, clearly, ruffled a few of the committee members’ feathers during public comments prior to this presentation by asking for a lot more “transparency” from those in office at COC and their committees. I had brought up a few things, quite nicely, I may add. 

I am so sad to say, in my opinion, this college administration appears to have no interest in “transparency.” Not in the least. The goal appears to be to keep the community “in the dark.” That is just, plain wrong!

Diane Zimmerman

Santa Clarita

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