Fatigue Can Be a Safety Hazard in the Workplace

People are working harder and longer hours than ever before. A 2019 survey from Bankrate found that just 52% of Americans were planning to take a summer vacation that year, and more than a quarter were not planning any summer travel. Metro Creative.
People are working harder and longer hours than ever before. A 2019 survey from Bankrate found that just 52% of Americans were planning to take a summer vacation that year, and more than a quarter were not planning any summer travel. Metro Creative.
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People are working harder and longer hours than ever before. A 2019 survey from Bankrate found that just 52% of Americans were planning to take a summer vacation that year, and more than a quarter were not planning any summer travel. Though affordability is a driving factor behind staying put, many workers admittedly fear missed opportunities or dread falling behind on emails and other assignments, so they skip or shorten vacations as a result. 

However, failure to take breaks and consistently pushing oneself can contribute to work fatigue, which can be dangerous. 

The employment resource Open Source Workplace says fatigue occurs when a person feels exhausted, weary or sleepy. It can result from prolonged physical or mental work, lengthy periods of anxiety or stress and/or insufficient sleep. 

The National Safety Council says fatigue at work or on the road can be deadly. Millions of workers get little sleep on a regular basis or do not make enough time to recharge their batteries. 

The NSC says more than 43% of workers are sleep deprived. Fatigue can add up and lead to performance and safety issues. Consider these statistics from the NSC. 

A person is three times more likely to be in a car crash if he or she is fatigued. 

Losing even two hours of sleep is equivalent to having three beers and being intoxicated. 

Fatigued workers cost employers between $1,200 and $3,100 per employee annually in productivity lost. 

Chronic sleep deprivation causes depression, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other illnesses. 

Fatigue can increase risk-taking behaviors and reduce physical and mental functioning. People who are not on top of their games may make mistakes that can lead to accidents. 

Fatigue is a hazard that many workers may not recognize as a problem. But it has a significant impact on safety and performance.

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