Jim de Bree | An Important Omission

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

On Oct. 15, The Signal published a news story under the headline, “SCV school districts supporting Prop. 2, the $10B statewide school construction bond measure.” While the article was rather thorough, it omitted one important aspect of the measure. As discussed in greater detail on page 16 of the Official Voter Information Guide, the allocation of state bond proceeds among school districts will differ from previous allocations. Generally, the state would allocate more bond proceeds to fund project construction costs for school districts that have lower assessed property values and have a higher share of their students who are low-income, English learners or foster youth. While this change in allocation methodology is clearly designed to assist poorer school districts, it may result in fewer funds allocated to our local school districts, which presumably do not meet the criteria for additional funding. 

Jim de Bree


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