Horton was a nice elephant that saved a tiny planet from destruction, but that’s not Gary Horton.
Gary Horton, Trump parades are for people who show pride for our country by decorating their vehicles with various flags. Some have first responders flags to show appreciation for the military, law enforcement and firefighters. Some have California flags, some have Trump flags, and all have American flags.
There are people who choose to celebrate America not only on July 4, but throughout the year and near elections to remind citizens to vote.
The Trump flag is to thank President Donald Trump, who “Made America Great Again” during his presidential term. Some of Trump’s administration highlights are: unemployment at a low 3.5%, fair and reciprocal trade, American energy independence, massive deregulation, created 1.2 million jobs in manufacturing and construction by putting in policies to bring back supply chains from overseas (no more made in China). In other words, we had an unprecedented economic boom.
Horton (commentary, Sept. 4) writes he’s “embarrassed of these Tonka-troopers.” So does flying the American and first responders flag embarrass you too?
Re: Horton’s sarcastic remark about no purple flags for LeBron James because fans are not personality cult devotees. Why would any American-loving individual want LeBron James flags when he disrespects the national anthem, as shown on YouTube. You must be a LeBron fan.
If you dislike this country, at least show respect to those who served and lost their lives for this country. Many of these soldiers were 18 to 19 years old and gave their life for our freedom.
You refer to Trump supporters as “fascist cults,” but I have to disagree. During the primary election, the Democratic ticket was Biden/Harris. However, this November the presidential election is Harris/Waltz. What is the purpose of a citizen’s right to vote if the Democratic party dictates to their voters the candidates to vote for and not who they chose?
Merriam Webster’s definition of fascist: “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.”
The Democratic political party has clearly shown Americans fascism.
Nancy Fairbanks