Alan Ferdman | What’s Really Behind PSPS?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

One of the biggest lies being spread by Southern California Edison is their public safety power shutoff program has been accomplished for public safety. 

Reading an article in the Dec. 12 edition of The Signal, “Power Outages Continue to Irk East Side Residents,” Diane Castro spokeswoman for Southern California Edison, continues to perpetuate this untruth as she was quoted as saying, “Our No. 1 priority is the safety of customers, employees and communities.”

Why would I express this opinion? It is because electric power has been tuned off, numerous times this year. 

I checked the surrounding homes to see if they had electric service tuned off also. What I discovered again: I live on the corner of Walnut Springs Avenue and Nearbrook Street and while power was down at my home, power was ON across the street on Nearbrook and across the street on Walnut Springs and one block away on Wellhaven Street.

Why do you think that’s the case? It is because SoCal Edison does not shut power down by neighborhood or area but instead by the power line that has an issue somewhere along its route. 

If your home gets power from that line you lose power no matter how far away from the problem you live. In my case, I am at the end of a power feed line that starts some 30 miles away, routed down Sierra Highway to a few square blocks in North Oaks. That power feed comes from Aqua Dulce. So, if there is a wind problem in Aqua Dulce, my power gets shut off.

I know this because every time the power goes off, I call Southern California Edison customer service, and I have also put in a Public Utilities Commission complaint about this situation. I have been told continuously, power is being shut down because of some problem somewhere along the feed line and they have no scheduled event to fix this issue. 

When I contacted Southern California Edison some four years ago a supervisor told me this problem would be fixed, and when I spoke with another supervisor after I put in a PUC complaint last year, he told me this is a problem they need to address, but there is no scheduled activity for that to occur.

I don’t believe they are concerned about their customers. There seems to be no concern about the very young, the elderly, and the medically challenged who are left without lights, heat and lifesaving equipment. 

Also consider our young school-age residents who need to do their homework.

OK, want to help fix this problem? Speak at the next online PUC commissioner meeting on Jan. 16 and/or Jan. 30. Dial in at 800 8571917 code 9599501# at 11 a.m. 

Write an email to the PUC Energy Division at [email protected]

Let them know the problem SoCal Edison has created with the way PSPS is being used by SoCal Edison. If enough of us bend their ear, we may get this issue resolved.

Alan Ferdman

Canyon Country

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