On page A6 of the Dec. 13 Signal, an article appeared about Supreme Court term limits. Sens. Peter Welch of Vermont and Joe Manchin of West Virginia have put forth a bill to set term limits for Supreme Court justices. I would suggest that these two senators look at their own house first.
What they need to look at, before the Supreme Court, are term limits for both houses of Congress. Let’s look at those congresspeople who have no idea what it is like to work in a non-governmental job! Let’s look at those who are over 80 years old, while many private sector companies “require” their employees to retire at age 65 or 70 years old. Let’s look at those congresspeople who, when they first got a job were making $150,000 a year, yet somehow by the time they are 75 or 80 are worth millions. How does that add up? Can you say”insider trading”? Can you say book sales and speeches and what ever else they can do that is slightly illegal? Can you say “peddling influence”?
Yes senators, I think you should clean your own house first. How about 18 total years that you can serve as a congressperson ? And yes, that is a total you could spend in Congress, not just one house!
So senators, answer me this. Why does the president have an eight-year term limit and you guys have NO limit at all? I know, I know, It’s not in the Constitution. Well if all you fat cats really cared more about this country and less about keeping your jobs, you could change the Constitution. The people are ready! Will you ever be?
Ron Perry
Canyon Country