In this world, people who happen to be very fortunate by having all the necessary resources they need and who ignore the problems in the rest of the world will ultimately have to face them.
Living your life, as millions do today as if the poor did not exist, as if poor nations do not exist, as if it was God’s gift to the developed world, the G8 nations living at a high standard of life that we demand and take for granted as our right and ignore the fact that three-quarters of the world is living in poverty.
According to the British author Benjamin Creme, in his book “The Ageless Wisdom Teaching,” “millions are starving to death in a complacent world of plenty. If we accept that, we are not living in the right relationship.” He warns, “We either create right human relationships or destroy all life on the planet. That is our choice.”
Gerald Staack
Former Santa Clarita resident
Wilmington, North Carolina