I appreciate Arthur Saginian’s kind words regarding my letter of Dec. 4, but feel I should clarify his misinterpretation (Jan. 9) that I am suggesting “let’s just move on” or “avoidance.”
We cannot forget the perilous events of the past eight years, nor should we allow the vitriol, vengeance and violence of those years to continue into the next four years. The American people made it clear shortly after the 2020 election that we did not want a 2024 rematch between “those two old white men.” Neither party listened, so that’s essentially what we got up until the last minute when the Democrats offered up an ineffective stand-in for one of them.
As a result we have to endure (and hopefully survive) four more years from one of “those old white men” we did not want. Both parties had qualified, younger candidates available, several of whom I mentioned in my letter. Those and others (some we may not even be aware of now) will be available for the 2028 election. We need to seek them out now.
The problem (Why is this happening?) is that the extremists of both parties are allowed to dominate the conversation and are more interested in having issues to fight for and divide us on (economy, immigration, border security, abortion, crime, gun safety, etc.) than in finding solutions to the problems themselves. We the people deserve solutions. As voters, we should exercise our right to replace elected representatives who do not provide solutions. Too often we keep reelecting the same incompetent individuals.
In addition, there are systemic problems that need to be addressed and corrected so as to return the balance of power to the people where it belongs, not to the rich and powerful where it now resides.
First, gerrymandering needs to be eliminated in its entirety. All political jurisdictions should be redrawn as neutrally and unbiased as possible. Second, Citizens United should be overturned and replaced with a fair and equitable campaign finance system. Third, we need term limits on all federal offices, including the judiciary. Fourth, we need greater restrictions on lobbyists, particularly on the transition of office holder to lobbyist and vice versa. Fifth, we need to reevaluate what appears to be an excessive use of executive orders, which are now being abused by both parties.
Jack Crawford