Karla Edwards: No rush to City Council? Consider this

TimBen Boydston waves to motorists as he campigns at the corner of Bouquet Canyon Road and Soledad Canyon Road. Dan Watson/the Signal

Perhaps these reasons will help clear up why there is no rush to file applications to fill the vacant Santa Clarita City Council seat (“Filing for council vacancy off to slow start,” Dec. 20 in The Signal):

1. Applicants all realize that TimBen Boydston was the people’s choice when he had the necessary votes from the community to be “next in line.”

2. Other applicants realize that, as a council member, they would have no voice since the incumbents work as a group to make sure that any input will be ignored or voted against.

3. Although it is too soon to determine where Cameron Smyth will fall in the hierarchy, since his campaign was blessed by Bob Kellar with joint posters, we will have to wait and see.

4. The present council showed its determination to dishonor Mr. Boydston by voting against him for the position of mayor again and again, even though it is an honorary function.

5. The council voted against any item that Mr. Boydston asked to have added to the agenda.

So … who would volunteer to be a part of this endeavor?

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