Nancy Starczyk: Unified water board deserves SCV support

Proposed districts if the consolidation of Castaic Lake Water Agency and the Newhall County Water District are finalized via legislation.

When something brings together the best people from diverse backgrounds, it usually means it’s a good idea. This is exactly the case with the proposal to create a new water district for the Santa Clarita Valley.

Just look at the coalition supporting this effort. It’s a diverse group of leaders – from Sen. Scott Wilk, statewide environmental nonprofits, watershed protection organizations, business and industrial groups, water resource organizations, the city of Santa Clarita, our Supervisor Kathryn Barger, and numerous local businesses and residents.

It is safe to say these individuals and organizations do not always align on the issues. So what about this proposal is so unifying?

• It saves money: $14 million in its first 10 years, to be exact!

• It creates more environmental opportunities: Finally, one water district would lead Santa Clara River protection policy and projects.

• It would stabilize rates: The immense savings could reduce costs for customers or go back into updating aging infrastructure. That’s important to local residents across the valley!

• It’s good governance: It creates a more accessible form of government through a directly elected board of directors.

When looking at these facts, it is not hard to see why this proposal is supported by such a strong, diverse group of leaders. It’s got my support and deserves yours, too.

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