Sally White: Raise your voice for sustainable energy

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While reading Thomas Oatway’s Letter to the Editor in Tuesday’s Signal, I could not help but think how often people get “shot in the foot” when they make decisions based only upon selective facts and do not look at the whole picture.

Mr. Oatway correctly implies that the GOP’s opposition to any effort to provide a living wage to all citizens has backfired. In this case, it has harmed the Republicans, as it has turned very low-wage voters, struggling to get by, against those who look only at a partial picture and do not want anything that at first glance might seem to cut into their profits.

In actuality, when the many are doing better it creates more business, and in the long run more profits for everyone.

A similar situation exists with regard to the development of sustainable energy. With our country’s current administration doing everything in its power to deny our planet’s “delicate condition,” and continue strong support for more oil drilling, fracking, and coal mining, it is in the process of “shooting itself in the foot.”

This is of grave concern, as it is affecting all of us; it is shooting each and every citizen in the foot”!

In actuality, the development of sustainable energy is proving to be a positive and important economic decision, creating more “healthy” jobs and excellent profits.
Will the administration realize this soon enough to avoid the situation that Mr. Oatway so aptly describes?

We must do more than just hope. We must raise our voices and make our opinions and make the wider, whole picture be known to everyone, especially our elected officials.

Sally White



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