VaNile Risser: Proudly flying the flag

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Yippee-ki-yay and hallelujah! I had a lot of pleasure reading William L. Picketts’ comments in the Sept. 22 edition of The Signal. Man, oh man, did he nail it beautifully, and without getting vulgar or nasty!

I try to read the full columns by the liberal “smarter than everyone else” writers, but usually I give up before I actually puke! Sure hope William hangs in there often.

I also notice Catherine Gero’s comment about the little ragged flags. I appreciate her feelings, but I have to admit I loved seeing them up there, even if they looked a bit tired.

The quality of the material used in their production is flimsy and cheap, but the cotton ones are pretty expensive, so I think the city department that purchases them is trying to be economical. Plus, they don’t generally stay up there too long, anyway.

I wish Catherine could her Johnny Cash’s rendition of “Ragged Old Flag.” It might touch her heart to be a bit less sensitive.

However, prompted by her comments – or maybe it was already planned for – I noticed the flags had been taken down along Golden Valley Road on Saturday, so maybe she feels OK now. Hope so.

VaNile Risser
Canyon Country

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