Ideas for staying safer — and healthier ­— at home

Santa Clarita City Hall, as pictured on February, 26, 2020, is located on the 23900 block of Valencia Blvd. Dan Watson/The Signal

By Mayor Cameron Smyth

By now, you and your family have likely settled into a routine as we all continue to navigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on our daily lives.

While it remains necessary to practice social distancing and only venture out for necessities like groceries, medication and essential supplies, it is also important to do everything you can to have fun and stay productive.

Here are some tips that can keep you and your children both safe and healthy at home.

As those with school-aged children know, video conferencing can be a great way to stay connected. From checking in with your boss and coworkers to helping your child 

get information and assignments from his or her teacher, this technology has already proven to be essential.

However, you can also use video calling on your smartphone or computer to hold virtual playdates so your child can interact with friends and also call loved ones who live out of the area to check in on their well being.

Staying at home also doesn’t mean that you should never be outside.

Getting some sun and exercising when you can is critical. Although amenities at parks are closed so that residents can maintain six feet of social distancing when out and about, there are some easy ways that you can get your exercise at home. 

You can take a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood during the day or after dinner as the sun begins to set.

Just be mindful of others doing the same, so you can keep your distance when needed. So that you don’t spend too much time sitting at your makeshift desk working or on the couch watching television during the week, be sure to schedule in breaks that allow you to stretch your legs. Your body will thank you at the end of the day!

There are also a number of ways that you and your family can stay entertained and engaged while being safe at home as well.

To break up the daily routine, encourage your kids to help with mealtime. This can be a fun way to integrate lessons they are learning in school, such as counting and measurements when following a recipe.

A good old-fashioned puzzle or game night is another great way to make memories with your family. Not only does it allow you to limit screen time and introduce things 

you used to do as a child, but it also helps everyone get their mind off the pandemic for a few hours and reset mentally.

The way we spend our days with our family now will create lasting impressions on our children and also help us cope during this challenging time. Staying at home can make us stir crazy, but it is necessary so that we can all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19.

To learn more about the City’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, please visit

Mayor Cameron Smyth is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in his column are those of the City and do not necessarily reflect those of The Signal. 

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