Some California lawmakers are digging in and refusing to see the flaws in Assembly Bill 5. Not Christy Smith! I’m glad to see the assemblywoman standing up and fighting to change it for the better.
It’s one thing to push back against the rival party. It’s another to tell the people in your own party that their well-intended bill has issues that need to be fixed. Christy Smith is an independent thinker, and her first priority is to the people of her district and community, not to the party. We need more like her, both in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
There’s a lot of misinformation about AB 5, but here are the facts: It was designed to protect workers who are being exploited by employers who use them as staffers, but pay them as freelancers (that is, without health care and other benefits and labor protections).
However, there is no one-size-fits-all legislation for all professions, and Assemblywoman Smith is working to tailor the law to those workers, like me, who prefer freelance and feel AB 5 holds them back. Anyone who feels adversely impacted should contact her office to share their story. These changes will only come if lawmakers like her see where the cracks are.
When you hear complaints about AB 5, just know that Christy Smith is a legislator who is listening and actively working to fix it — I know, because I have been helped by her office.
My family and I are proud to be voting for Christy Smith for Congress on May 12.
Annie Astorga
Canyon Country