Hilmar Rosenast | Is This Your Sunday Best?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Last Sunday, I was in church and as I looked around, I thought some people must think they are attending a picnic or some other outdoor event. It is incredible how little if any thought is given to how they present themselves to their Lord and Master. They do go to church, which means they do believe in God the Almighty, or they wouldn’t be there! We visit the Supreme God and we come in all kinds of attire that is more suitable to the beach, a sporting event, or some outdoor activity. 

Do you know that there are dress codes to meet certain other human beings, like the president of the United States, heads of state and other dignitaries? Even on the Senate floor, you would not be allowed in and would be stopped by the sergeant at arms if you did not meet the dress code. 

To meet a president it states to look professional, polished and conservative enough to be respectful of the office of the president. For heads of state: Men: “Suit and tie and dress shoes,” and for women: “Shoulders and the décolleté should be covered. Dresses and skirts should fall just below the knee.” How about weddings? Big parties and fundraisers at fancy hotels? 

We give so much respect to mere human beings but we are so disrespectful to the master who created us all. 

Don’t you think that once a week for a short period of time, you could be respectful not just in thought, but also with your attire?  

Hilmar Rosenast

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