We are living challenging times for Santa Clarita, with exponential growth, incoming new generations that need to integrate with the old ones, increased diversity, new technologies transforming the workforce, and some external factors that directly impact our city like imported crime from neighboring cities, City Council redistricting, school districts driven by ideology rather than academics and education, homelessness, and much more.
After reviewing the credentials of all candidates, I found that there is one who can back up his medals, diplomas and credentials with concrete actions to address those many challenges: Mr. Bill Miranda.
Mr. Miranda has firsthand knowledge of the successes and challenges we are facing as a society and as a community that includes one of the most thriving cities in California. He has been a hands-on person working to resolve those problems and looking for ways to improve the lives of our residents.
His work did not start when he became a councilman. It started years ago by bringing jobs to the city, exporting the name of Santa Clarita beyond our city limits and beyond state and country, motivating and inspiring young people to be better and showing that when you have a dream you need to work for it, and everything is possible if there is proper planning and the hard work is done.
Mr. Miranda has all the experience that anyone could expect from a public servant and more: entrepreneur, global corporate man, model citizen, veteran, public servant, Santa Clarita resident for decades and by choice, family man and sensitive yet firm human being. In simple terms, Mr. Miranda is a man with integrity, capacity and vision with the professional experience and results needed to face the evolving landscape of our city.
Mr. Miranda knows Santa Clarita better than anyone. Mr. Miranda understands Santa Clarita better than anyone. Mr. Miranda has been working for Santa Clarita before he was a public servant for Santa Clarita. His involvement and work for our community is not new in our valley. There is no better person for the position than Mr. Miranda. He has proved also to be a leader and team player working with different people and successfully navigating through multiple complex issues and situations.
He has the passion, the vision, the knowledge and the drive to bring Santa Clarita to the next level.
Julio F. del Rio
Santa Clarita