Maria Gutzeit is the right candidate for Santa Clarita Valley Water! I’ve both worked with Maria professionally for nearly 20 years and we’ve been friends over most that time. One thing is clear to me: Maria is as competent as she is ethical as she is pragmatic. And her pragmatism and realism is key.
Maria understands that clean drinking water is our community’s most valuable resource. While serving on SCV Water, she has supported diversifying our backup supplies and ensuring that we have reliable access to water, even during a drought. Thanks to her leadership and forward thinking, our region is better prepared for seasons of drought than most of California! Indeed, she’s served on our local water boards for years.
Santa Clarita Valley residents have no better advocate than Maria Gutzeit. She led the effort to consolidate multiple agencies under SCV Water, saving our community over $10 million and dramatically improving efficiency. Because of these actions we can now avoid rate increases, and Maria will ensure it.
Our community was a leader in investing in retrofitting lawns to reduce waste. Maria will not let state agencies overlook these efforts and she’ll protect us against unnecessary and unhelpful mandates. Most of all, she’ll work to ensure dependable water service for all our quality of life.
This November, we need to elect Maria Gutzeit to the SCV Water board.
Gary Horton
Santa Clarita