Ron Perry | Mr. Trump, Please Don’t Run

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Mr. Trump, please don’t run, because not only are you past your prime, but as a nation we need to stop the hate! We need statesmen, not haters. We need leaders who are willing to work together to solve the problems that are destroying our nation! We need leadership that will support our Constitution by using reasonable conservative principles, not name-calling and bullying.

Mr. Trump please don’t run, because there are too many issues that need solving. I give you one example. I believe, as you do, that we need to complete our border wall. I know Democrats and Republicans who want that, too, but they will not vote for it because you started it and they hate you! So we have to stop the bullying and the hate. We need to reeducate those, on both sides of the aisle, who know that we have to close the border but can’t see beyond their hate.

Mr. Trump, please don’t run, but help the Republicans elect an up-and-coming fresh new candidate, so our nation becomes stronger. Let’s go back to campaign ads that emphasize the positive things a candidate can accomplish, not the negative side of their opponent.

We need to reestablish our FBI, CIA, Department of Justice and Supreme Court as non-political entities! With you as president, that will not happen! Our nation needs us now. Each of us needs to sacrifice, and I know this is asking a big sacrifice from you. But please, Mr. Trump, help stop the hate. Of all the things you can do this would be the greatest! You can lead the way!

So, Mr. Trump, please don’t run! 

Ron Perry
Canyon Country

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