Robin Clough and Dr. Gene Dorio | The Civilian Legislators

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Many Santa Claritans do not know that laws do not have to rise from lawmakers, with citizens like ourselves potentially being the source of new legislation. 

Last year, we presented a proposal to the state Legislature, Assembly Bill 2338, and testified in Sacramento. It eventually passed both houses and became law on Sept. 29. By many, it was considered one of the most important laws passed by the state in 2022.

It closed a major loophole in California law that allowed hospital administrators and HMOs to usurp medical decision-making away from a patient’s family, and we thank Assemblyman Mike Gipson from the 65th District for his authorship.

For 2023, we have presented two new proposals: 

• Not allow ambulance companies to bill for transportation services when a senior calls 911 for a legitimate emergency.

• Standardize hospital discharge summaries for clarity, protecting those who have been ill from losing continuity of medical care, which might lead to re-hospitalization or death.

As with AB 2338, we intend to assist state legislators getting these new proposals set into law.

We are members of the California Senior Legislature, and welcome proposals that might improve the quality of life for older adults.

You don’t have to be a legislator to bring forward new laws, only someone who cares about our community and those who need a voice.

Robin Clough and Dr. Gene Dorio 

Santa Clarita

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