Lois Eisenberg | A Passover Wish

Letters to the Editor

Being that Passover is upon us, I’m compelled to write about how anti-semitism has risen its ugly head in the United States by 36% to the tune of 3,697 incidents in the past few months against Jewish communities, according to the Anti-Defamation League. 

“Passover, also called Pesach, is a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the Biblical story of the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt” (Wikipedia).

California alone has had 518 incidents reported in 2023. Only New York exceeds that with 580 incidents. Jewish schools, institutions and synagogues are having an alarming number of bomb threats. White supremacist groups are mostly behind these antisemitic attacks.

The ADL has called for “a wake-up call from government officials” to condemn these antisemitism atrocities. The ADL has also suggested that the president, governors, attorneys general, mayors, law enforcement and civic leaders, use their “bully pulpits” to speak out against antisemitism in all forms of hate and extremism.

The escalation of antisemitism reported by the ADL has been at its highest level in America in decades. Let’s hope that ALL government officials will use their “bully pulpits” in helping to curtail this destructive, hateful and ugly matter.

Happy Passover to one and all!

Lois Eisenberg 

Santa Clarita

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