Ronald Perry | A Trio of Thanks

Letters to the Editor

Neil Fitzgerald: Thank you for your perfectly expressed opinion column on May 13. I just don’t understand how anyone could read your column and not care that our government is giving our country away.

Diane Zimmerman: Thank you for reminding all Santa Claritans the changes we are having to make in our voting for City Council is all based on racial gerrymandering (letters, May 12).

Maria Gutzeit: Thank you for reminding all of us on May 13 of the importance women play in doing most of the household chores as well as working a full-time job, of moms paying bills with their name on the bill but addressed to the male of the house. Point taken. The evolving role of moms.

I want to thank all of you for your beautifully worded, easily understood articles. And more importantly, to let each of you know that there are those of us out there reading your writings.

Ronald Perry

Santa Clarita

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