Arthur Saginian | Respect for Writer’s Open Mind

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I think the (March 9) letter by Rick Barker asking us to give newly elected Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo a chance to prove herself either way — good or bad — before rushing to judgement just because she’s a Democrat was both honorable and admirable, and he has my respect for that.

I’d like to see more people from both sides do the same for the other side when dealing with similar situations. If there’s a list of things a person can do to take the “high road,” I would say this is one of them. 

Having seen both virtue and villainy in Republicans as well as in Democrats, I have started to cease harboring any “expectations” from either side. 

So, paraphrasing what Rick said, let’s not be cynical (that, coming from someone like me). Let’s see what they do. Let’s be open-minded enough to allow ourselves to be pleasantly surprised, and then give credit where credit’s due. You have nothing to lose, and even something to gain — like a new opinion.

Good for you, Rick. Good for you.

Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita

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