Lois Eisenberg | 34 Felony Charges

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

America and the American people have been jeopardized by Donald Trump and how Trump has thrown America and the American people “under the bus” numerous times.

It should have been a wake-up call for all Americans when in Helsinki Trump threw America “under the bus” when standing like a puppet next to Vladimir Putin at a press conference.

The national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the military and human resources, and sensitive intelligence have been put at risk by Trump and his disregard  for the rule of law and his complete disregard for America and the American people’s welfare.

Trump had and has a blatant disregard for the rule of law, which has been evident in all of his criminal investigations.  

For four years there was a clear picture of how dangerous America was under Trump’s presidency.

The Republican Party has “lost its soul” to Trump in defending him and has missed the fact that Trump treated the national security secrets like an entertainment tool.

To the MAGA sympathizers, Trump is guilty as hell. Come to realize that you all, as the rest of us, have been “thrown under the bus” by a very dangerous person.

And, stop saying “classified documents” and start saying “nuclear secrets.”

Lois Eisenberg 

Santa Clarita

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