Camping can be tough for any child. The season starts and kids make friends from the moment they get to the campground. Some kids may arrive later in the season and find cliques have already formed. Some kids intentionally or unintentionally are excluded from the groups. It can be a very lonely and unhappy time, and the bad memories of what should have been a fantastic summer experience can last a lifetime.
Try not to obsess about sending your kids with new fluffy towels, the latest in expensive sneakers and T-shirts with designer logos.
Instead, send them with these three things: water safety knowledge, swimming skills, and kindness in their hearts.
A child who will approach a new camper with the intent of introducing them to the group and/or including them in the group will have an excellent summer. A camper like that will mature over the summer, learn responsibility, educate his peers, and make lifelong friends. It will be a positive experience for everyone.
And that’s exactly what camp is supposed to be. Have a great summer, and don’t forget the sunscreen!
Randi Kay
Former Santa Clarita resident