Sue Bozman | COC Drama Doesn’t Equal Chaos

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

There has been a bit of drama at College of the Canyons recently, but drama is not chaos. It does not mean the college is falling apart or in any sort of trouble.

How do I know? I know because, in every corner of every building, every lab and every classroom instructors are teaching and students are learning. Supplies, books and equipment are available. Computers are running. Scholarships and loans are awarded. Materials are being printed. Bills are being paid. And more, of course. Everything that needs to take place at an excellent college is happening.

I worked at COC for more than two decades, and during the past few weeks I have reconnected with a bunch of people, read board agendas, and attended meetings. I am reassured that all is OK at our college.

We’ve been spoiled in Santa Clarita by a unique situation. We had a visionary, dynamic leadership that lasted for about 36 years! That is not just rare. It simply doesn’t happen anywhere else, not in any other college, nor any other state, nor in any other institution. We were spoiled by that lack of change and the benefits the college experienced from it. It felt comfortable for the community, too, but change, while really hard, is entirely normal.

We all know that institutions require good operational systems to thrive and periodically need new leaders. An institution that depends on only one individual will not survive into its future. Right! Yes, the process could have been smoother, but perhaps this was the right time.

High-quality education is now, as in the past, taking place at our community college, College of the Canyons. We should celebrate!  

Sue Bozman


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