Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.: Boydston is just what Santa Clarita was prescribed

Debate photo - news in santa clarita ca
Santa Clarita Councilman, and candidate, TimBen Boydston (foreground, facing camera) at a recent debate.

TimBen Boydston should have been a doctor. He dissects through information to develop a diagnosis, and with his analysis formulates a solution (treatment plan).

Countless times I have seen him handle city affairs using this successful and professional approach.

An inevitable part of being a City Council member is assuring that the public, including elder seniors, have adequate health care.

TimBen has always been on the frontline on this issue, listening to voices of concern from those who are underrepresented.

His aptitude for asking the right questions is an asset beneficial to our community, which assures that the city continues to move in a positive direction.

So ask yourself: Don’t you want someone on City Council who approaches our problems like a doctor might by questioning and challenging issues for the benefit of the public?

I wholeheartedly endorse “Dr.” TimBen Boydston for City Council.

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