Sally White: Don’t let fear get the best of you

A dozer pushes exposed trash at Chiquita Canyon Landfill. Dan Watson/ The Signal

March 1! Remember that date; it is of great importance to our community and to the entire Santa Clarita Valley.

That is the date of the FEIR hearing, for Final Environmental Impact Review, on the Chiquita Canyon Landfill Extension. It properly should be called the FEAR hearing, as the thought of expanding the Chiquita Canyon Landfill should fill us with exactly that: FEAR.

The impact on our quality of life as we will experience it, should this extension be approved, is monumental. Do you really want trash from San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Ventura County, Orange County and Los Angeles County to be trucked all the way north to the Chiquita Canyon Landfill?

Think for a moment about the many truck accidents that could occur almost daily. An expansion of Chiquita would double the number of trucks headed to the landfill every day, thus adding significantly to the already poor quality of air that prevails here on many days.

There is an alternative, sitting idly by, awaiting the parade, not of trucks, but of rail cars – a very efficient and far less polluting method of removing trash, out of our sight, to Mesquite, a location far from homes.

Of course, there is another solution and that would be to try for zero waste, but that is a story for another day.

There is still time to act. From 6 p.m.-9 p.m. March 1 the final FEIR hearing will be held at Ranch Pico Jr. High School, 26255 Valencia Blvd, 91381.

If you are serious about the health and quality of life in our community, make it a point to be there expressing your opinion.

If you can’t stay for the entire hearing, sign in and express your opposition.

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