Think twice about methods
of fundraising
When I read about the Strawberry Margarita Charity event and how it was going to help homeless veterans, I almost choked.
Homelessness among veterans is a problem, yes. A far larger problem is alcohol and drug abuse. Both alcohol and drug abuse among homeless veterans is pandemic.
Doesn’t anyone see the hypocrisy of using a huge drinking party to help those with a huge drinking problem? Veterans, homeless or not, more often have problems with alcohol or drugs.
So how does it help, what does it say to the veterans? We can handle it. Sorry you can’t.
As for the alleged foundation established to buy hotels or apartment buildings, why such a pie-in-sky undertaking? Leave that for the big kids, the Red Cross, Goodwill and the VA.
I didn’t hear or read any mention of those agencies attending, and I’m sure for good reason.
I work with and for veterans, many of whom are homeless, caught up by alcohol or drugs. I also have occasion to work with the Red Cross, Goodwill and others.
I believe each would agree, homelessness can only be solved one veteran at a time in much the same way as alcohol and drug abuse can only be overcome one day at a time.
One veteran’s point of view.
This “party” may make someone feel good, but when the alcohol wears off, did it help anyone?