What a breath of fresh air on reading Glenda Johnson’s letter “We don’t owe Dreamer’s anything” published in the Sept. 20 issue of The Signal. And no, you are by far not the only U.S. citizen who wearies of being told what U.S. citizens owe the Dreamers because they were brought here as children by law-breaking adults.
I’ve been asking myself for some time now what part of “illegal” don’t people who think deporting these “Dreamers” is inhumane get?
I think we all feel for these children. It is the parents’ fault they are in this mess to begin with. They knew the minute they crossed the border they were doing it illegally.
We have so many U.S. citizens who need our help – especially our veterans.
How dare these Dreamers receive all the benefits they’ve gotten far too long, and then wave their flag demanding things they do not deserve. Shame on them and anyone else who thinks we owe them anything! America First!
Marilyn Searcy