While I agree with 100 percent of the fiscal policy suggestions by our own Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita (“Newsom, Say No to Waste in Sacramento,” Nov. 10), I am compelled to point out a spelling error in his suggestion to stop wasteful spending on the high-speed rail project. He misused the word loses, which should have been “losses.” I cannot help myself because I am the son of an English teacher, and it is in my genes.
Thomas Oatway
Editor’s note: You are right, sir. Sen. Wilk did, in fact, omit an S from the word “losses,” and in the editing process, I, the editor, missed it, so both Sen. Wilk and I failed to see the missing S. I wonder if that’s because Governor-elect Gavin Newsom’s fiscal policies scared the S out of us both?