Read more about the article Nearly three dozen weekend arrests involve drugs, alcohol
The California Highway Patrol runs a sobriety checkpoint on The Old Road in August 2017. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

Nearly three dozen weekend arrests involve drugs, alcohol

Santa Clarita Valley deputies and officers arrested 51 people over the weekend, and more than two-thirds of those arrests involved the illegal use of drugs or alcohol. Of the arrests…

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Read more about the article Bowman students learn relationship lessons through theater
Students stretch out their arms at the beginning of the Relationships 101 class at Bowman High School on Monday, Jan, 29, 2018. The class was part of the Advot Project which fosters self-worth and self-esteem through innovative education techniques. Nikolas Samuels/The Signal

Bowman students learn relationship lessons through theater

Acting as two females gossiping on the phone, Bowman High School students Edwin Lopez and Samuel Nolasco hold up large, blown-up telephones and discuss the rumors surrounding this weekend’s party.…

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Read more about the article Farmers Insurance agent Albert opens in Santa Clarita
Enrique Villalobos, 14, jumps off a tree he climbed at William S. Hart Regional Park on Sunday. Nikolas Samuels/The Signal

Farmers Insurance agent Albert opens in Santa Clarita

Farmers Insurance agent Jon Albert has opened an office in Santa Clarita at 26910 Sierra Hwy, Ste. D8. In Santa Clarita, Albert plans to "combine his insurance understanding and know-how…

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Read more about the article Motorcyclist hurt in Newhall Pass crash
A Los Angeles County Fire Department truck moves quickly to scene. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

Motorcyclist hurt in Newhall Pass crash

A motorcyclist was injured and taken to the hospital Monday morning following a crash in the Newhall Pass. Shortly after 6:20 a.m., paramedics of the Los Angeles County Fire Department…

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Read more about the article Poole & Shaffery employment law update set for Feb. 20
Freedom, an Alaskan Timber Wolf, looks into the distance at Wolf Creek Brewery on Sunday. Samie Gebers/The Signal

Poole & Shaffery employment law update set for Feb. 20

Poole & Shaffery, LLP, will host its sixth annual Employment Law Update on Feb. 20 in the grand ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Valencia, 24500 Town Center Dr. The Employment…

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Read more about the article Former players come out in bunches for Hart Baseball Alumni Game
Members of the current Hart High School varsity and junior varisty baseball squds line up before the alumni game. Ryan Painter/The Signal.

Former players come out in bunches for Hart Baseball Alumni Game

It's not often that you get TV cameras and a plentiful crowd for a high school baseball alumni game, but that's become the norm for Hart over the years. When…

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Sheriff’s conduct address verification operation for people on probation

Sheriff’s deputies conducted an operation Saturday morning to verify the addresses of people currently on probation in the Santa Clarita Valley, according to the SCV Sheriff’s Station. Led by the…

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Read more about the article Oak Hills students explore science, engineering at STEM Expo
Some 400 students participate in the STEM Expo at Oak Hills Elementary School in Stevenson Ranch on Friday, Jan. 26, 2018. Oak Hills Educational Foundation and Oak Hills PTA hosted the event. Nikolas Samuels/The Signal

Oak Hills students explore science, engineering at STEM Expo

More than 400 students at Oak Hills Elementary School participated in the school’s second STEM Expo Friday. The four-day science fair event allowed the school's entire student body, from kindergarten…

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