The hottest political debate is not about Herr Trump. It’s here in the city of Santa Clarita. Who is best suited to replace Dante Acosta on our City Council?
The logical choice is TimBen Boydston, but I seem to remember that since Day One, no existing council member liked him.
It’s not a beauty/popularity contest. It’s a position to serve for the benefit of our city and its citizens. It seems that instead of being a “good old boy,” TimBen decided to be a responsible gadfly.
We know no politician likes a gadfly, and a responsible one doesn’t seem to be welcome in any political arena. It’s been said other council members would not welcome Boydston back.
Keller hopes it will be a younger person. I’d vote for experience and intelligence over youth any day.
If we want to appoint someone who has outstanding credentials and experience in important public positions, there’s Lynne Plambeck. And we’d save all that time interviewing others.
Absolutely no other could compare. To boot, she’s a member of the stronger sex.
Or we could just “explicit” the $175,000 away and have a special election where very few would vote. What a country!