Giovanni Saavedra: Honor war dead with full memorial


From the time of birth, our timeline is being built with every action and choice we make. Inevitably death awaits us all, but before that point some people’s stories end as heroes.

In the Santa Clarita Valley, 50 brave souls’ lives ended on the battlefield. They can and should be seen as heroes, for they have lost their live protecting this country.

These servicemen may have been the kindest and most caring of people, they may have done bad in the past, they may have done things they regretted, but their final action should be what we make of them – memorialized as heroes at the SCV Fallen Warriors Monument.

I am a College of the Canyons student with two brothers who are currently serving the military. It is an honorable commitment to join the military, and it is a frightening choice that has been made.

Of the 50 men who have died serving their country, I hope the city will choose to build a complete memorial for them, with added lights and extended the pergola, at Veterans Historical Plaza Memorial Park as they deserve.

This monument and extensions can allow the families and loved ones of these 50 courageous heroes to honor their fallen soldiers’ selfless and brave actions once more.


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