Read more about the article Heart of the West celebrates 25 years of Carousel Ranch
Isaac Carothers, 6, diagnosed with a "failure to thrive", demonstrates his equestrian therapy abilities on Norah, led by Carousel Ranch founder Becky Graham, before a crowd of hundreds in the arena at the Heart of West, 25th anniversary held at Carousel Ranch in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 082821. Dan Watson/The Signal

Heart of the West celebrates 25 years of Carousel Ranch

Carousel Ranch celebrated its 25th anniversary Saturday with a dinner, auction and demonstration of the local nonprofit’s work providing equestrian therapy to children with special needs during its Heart of the West fundraiser in Agua Dulce. …

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Read more about the article West Ranch tennis player wins USTA National doubles title
Cara Hung (left) and Annette Robertson (right) at USTA tournament. Courtesy of Tony Robertson

West Ranch tennis player wins USTA National doubles title

By Ryan Menzie  Signal Staff Writer   West Ranch High School junior Annette Robertson and Arcadia High School senior Cara Hung won the United States Tennis Association National L1 G18 doubles…

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COVID-19 testing requirements tweaked for youth sports

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health officials have adjusted youth sports testing requirements for athletes and coaches, removing the testing requirement for fully vaccinated youth participating in outdoor sports.…

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College briefs: Local students earn honors

Coltron Islas receives degree from Quinnipiac University   Coltron Islas, of Valencia, received a master of science in organizational leadership from Quinnipiac University during a commencement ceremony held in May.  Quinnipiac is a private, coeducational, nonsectarian institution located 90 minutes north…

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Local championship baseball team receives City Council honors

The Santa Clarita City Council recognized the Santa Clarita Heat 12U boys' baseball team Tuesday for winning the 2021 Cooperstown National Tournament Championship in New York. Councilman Cameron Smyth, pictured in the second row, far left, congratulated the team and their…

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Read more about the article SCV Democrats host back-to-school supply drive
Assembly candidate Annie Cho (left) and Andrew Taban, chair of the SCV Democrats, volunteer at the bqck-to-school supply drive. Courtesy photo.

SCV Democrats host back-to-school supply drive

News release  The Santa Clarita Valley Democrats recently hosted a school supply drive to benefit JCI Santa Clarita’s “Pack to School” program, which distributes school supplies to underserved schoolchildren in the SCV.  “As strong advocates…

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Read more about the article Board of Supervisors approves motion to enhance victim services
Los Angeles County Seal.

Board of Supervisors approves motion to enhance victim services

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a motion Tuesday to improve victim services and expand the restitution fund that will assist victims and victims’ families with things such as funerals,…

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Read more about the article Women arrested on suspicion of organized retail theft, giving false names at station
Signal File Photo.

Women arrested on suspicion of organized retail theft, giving false names at station

Two women were arrested on suspicion of stealing from the same store repeatedly and then providing false names to deputies while being booked.   On Friday, deputies responded to a store in the 24200 block of…

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Read more about the article USDA closes forests until mid-September due to wildfire danger
Courtesy photo Angeles National Forest

USDA closes forests until mid-September due to wildfire danger

Due to the ongoing wildfire threats plaguing the state of California, the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service has closed access to a number of nearby forests.   Included in…

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Read more about the article FDA warns local chiropractor for COVID-19-related products
Photo courtesy of the FDA.

FDA warns local chiropractor for COVID-19-related products

The Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter to a Newhall-based chiropractor regarding unapproved and misbranded drugs being listed on his website as ways to “mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19…

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