Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Gil Mertz | Trump’s Benghazi?

I thought the claim that transgender men need abortion services at a Democratic National Committee debate was insane, but hearing comparisons of the airstrike that

Letters to the Editor

Lois Eisenberg | Happy New Year. And Now…

Now that Christmas is over, New Year’s Day is approaching and President Trump has undeniably become an impeached president, let’s concentrate on getting some work

Letters to the Editor

Dick Ramirez | Graffiti Removal Kudos

This morning on our morning walk, we noticed recent writings on the walls of the pedestrian tunnel by Valencia Glen park.   I called 661-25-CLEAN,

Letters to the Editor

Lynn Wright | Horton Letter Absent Facts

Ah, another conservative diatribe from the Baker/Mertz cabal, this one from Jim Horton (letters, Dec. 19). You can (learn about the author) by counting the