Read more about the article COC art exhibit looks at human trafficking
A girls shoe that tells a story of human trafficking is on display at the public gallery in the College of the Canyons library. Cory Rubin/ The Signal

COC art exhibit looks at human trafficking

The newest interactive art exhibit at College of the Canyons shares the stories of women who have survived human trafficking, sexual exploitation, addictions and life on the streets. To raise…

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Read more about the article Gary Morrison | If You Can Call Democrats Socialists, Can They Call Republicans Fascists?
Letters to the Editor

Gary Morrison | If You Can Call Democrats Socialists, Can They Call Republicans Fascists?

Re: Brian Baker, opinion, Aug. 24. I am shocked, shocked I tell you! Brian Baker in this issue stated that he preferred Steve Knight (R) over Katie Hill (D) for…

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Read more about the article Judy Taylour | Voters, Please Choose Candidates Regardless of Party Affiliation
Letters to the Editor

Judy Taylour | Voters, Please Choose Candidates Regardless of Party Affiliation

Regarding the “Political groups prep for races” article by Crystal Dunn, on the 38th Assembly Republication committee ready to canvas for candidates it has endorsed: As I tell the kindergartners…

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Read more about the article B.J. Atkins | Support Knight as He Works to Protect Americans and Secure Our Borders
Letters to the Editor

B.J. Atkins | Support Knight as He Works to Protect Americans and Secure Our Borders

Long-term threats to the U.S. include illegal immigration and the lack of a secure border. Rep. Steve Knight’s position on immigration is very clear. He supports a two-pillar plan: The…

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Read more about the article Carousel Ranch honors Crawford family contribution
Members of the Crawford family were honored with the naming of the Crawford Family Arena at Carousel Ranch this week. Carousel Ranch held its Heart of the West fundraiser Saturday, Aug. 25, 2018, which raised more than $400,000.

Carousel Ranch honors Crawford family contribution

Carousel Ranch, a nonprofit that offers a variety of services for special needs children, honored the members of a family who have made that work possible, during a special ceremony…

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Read more about the article COC Center now in session
Students walk past the College of the Canyons University Center, which offers various degree programs and houses the Hart District's Academy of the Canyon's. Cory Rubin/ The Signal

COC Center now in session

While some students travel hundreds of miles back to school, other students are working toward their degrees right in their backyard. Hundreds of students are preparing to start back to…

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