Read more about the article Concerts in the Park caps its 2018 season with 40oz to Freedom
Crowds gather infront of the stage for Concerts in the Park final show featuring 40oz to Freedom/Skylar Barti

Concerts in the Park caps its 2018 season with 40oz to Freedom

As summer simmers down, thousands rocked out at Central Park to the sublime sounds of 40oz to Freedom, capping off the 2018 season of the city’s Concerts in the Park series.

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Read more about the article Quarter-acre brush fire swiftly knocked down, perimeter set up around burn area
Copter 16 makes a quick water drop over the fire next to Sierra Highway/Skylar Barti The Signal

Quarter-acre brush fire swiftly knocked down, perimeter set up around burn area

Firefighters quickly doused a small brush fire at the corner of Sierra Highway and Newhall Avenue, fire officials said Sunday evening.

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Read more about the article Carousel Ranch holds annual Heart of the West fundraiser for children’s therapy program
For Tiffany Chairez, right, riding horses is a dream come true. A fan of shows and cinema featuring horses, from "Mr. Ed" to "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron," she stands by her horse Annabelle after taking part in the demonstration at Heart of the West. Ryan Mancini/The Signal

Carousel Ranch holds annual Heart of the West fundraiser for children’s therapy program

Several hundred guests attended the 22nd annual Heart of the West fundraiser at Carousel Ranch on Saturday evening.

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Read more about the article Engine explosion causes brief shutdown of SB 14 Freeway, no one injured
CHP Officer approaches the drivers of the armored vehicle moments before the vehicle is towed away/Skylar Barti The Signal

Engine explosion causes brief shutdown of SB 14 Freeway, no one injured

Both sides of the 14 Freeway north of Soledad Canyon Road were briefly shut down after an armored vehicle’s engine exploded, the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station said Sunday.

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Read more about the article Paseo Club welcomes members to new equipment, expansion of facilities
The expanded facilities to the club's grounds include Hammer Strength equipment and Tribe training lessons. Ryan Mancini/The Signal

Paseo Club welcomes members to new equipment, expansion of facilities

To coincide with its 15th anniversary, the Paseo Club hosted a grand re-opening Saturday to show off expanded facilities, along with food and fun for members.

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Read more about the article “Clear the Shelters” event releases numbers of total adoptions
Sully the dog being held by volunteer Selena Kitchener at Castaic Animal Shelter/Skylar Barti The Signal Aug. 8 2018

“Clear the Shelters” event releases numbers of total adoptions

The Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control in partnership with NBC and Telemundo have released the final adoption numbers from their Clear the Shelter event. Across Los…

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Read more about the article David Hegg | Hypocrisy, Lies and Unbelieving Believers
David Hegg is senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church and a Santa Clarita resident. "Ethically Speaking" runs Saturdays in The Signal.

David Hegg | Hypocrisy, Lies and Unbelieving Believers

By David Hegg As a member of the clergy the past months have been gut-wrenching. We have all watched as men in positions of religious power have been exposed as…

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Read more about the article Celebrities lend helping hand to local veterans building homes
Celebrities work together to build the driverways of the top nine houses for phase three of Homes4Vets/Skylar Barti The Signal

Celebrities lend helping hand to local veterans building homes

Celebrities gathered at the veterans housing tract off of Centre Point Parkway to finish nine of the homes that will be given to veterans later this year.

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Read more about the article Flooding from closed Bonefish Grill causes temporary shutdown of Billy Beez
Firefighters respond to flooding at the old Bonefish Grill location that has leaked into Billy Beez next door/Tim Whyte The Signal

Flooding from closed Bonefish Grill causes temporary shutdown of Billy Beez

Flooding from the closed down Bonefish Grill has leaked into the neighboring Billy Beez play area for kids, officials said Saturday.

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Read more about the article 40 oz. to Freedom to perform at this year’s last Concerts in the Park
A large crowd goes to Central Park for a performance by 40 oz. to Freedom, a Sublime tribute band, on Saturday. Nikolas Samuels/The Signal

40 oz. to Freedom to perform at this year’s last Concerts in the Park

The curtains close as the final performance of Concerts in the Park comes to Santa Clarita with the Sublime tribute band, 40 oz. to Freedom at Central Park on Saturday.

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