Read more about the article Sulphur Springs’ Measure US behind in early returns
Signal file photo Elementary school students in the Sulphur Springs Union School District watch a live stream of the eclipse on their classroom SMART Board on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017. Courtesy of the Sulphur Springs Union School District

Sulphur Springs’ Measure US behind in early returns

The $78 million Measure US of the Sulphur Springs Union School District was running behind as the county results of mail-in ballots of Tuesday’s Presidential Primary Election were released. About…

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Read more about the article County to make announcement regarding coronavirus
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Logo, courtesy of Facebook

County to make announcement regarding coronavirus

Los Angeles County officials are making an announcement regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in a news conference Wednesday.  “Officials will outline specific actions by the board and Public Health, as…

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Read more about the article Residents weigh in on new polling machines
Voters line up around the corner of the Stevenson Ranch library building with less than an hour left to vote on election night. March 03, 2020. Bobby Block / The Signal.

Residents weigh in on new polling machines

Stevenson Ranch residents Shana and Jeff Thomas waited nearly two hours to vote at the Stevenson Ranch Library Tuesday night. “Almost to the minute,” Jeff said, adding that their three…

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Read more about the article Officials respond to vehicle fire
Officials respond to a vehicle fire on the northbound side of Interstate 5 at Magic Mountain Parkway Tuesday. Bobby Block / The Signal

Officials respond to vehicle fire

Los Angeles County Fire Department and California Highway Patrol officials responded to a vehicle fire on the northbound side of Interstate 5 on Tuesday. A vehicle caught on fire just…

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Read more about the article City launches pilot ride-share-like program for Canyon Country, Fair Oaks communities
The city of Santa Clarita launched an on-demand transit service in Canyon Country and Fair Oaks and other city destinations, starting Monday, March 2, 2020. Courtesy of the city

City launches pilot ride-share-like program for Canyon Country, Fair Oaks communities

In an effort to improve access to transportation in high-demand neighborhoods, the city of Santa Clarita has launched a ride-share-like program for residents within the Canyon Country and Fair Oaks…

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Read more about the article One person was trapped following Castaic traffic collision
File photo. Rescue Helicopter 16 of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Signal Photo, Cory Rubin.

One person was trapped following Castaic traffic collision

A two-vehicle collision on the northbound side of Interstate 5 sent one person to the hospital on Tuesday. The call came in at 2:52 p.m. on the northbound side of…

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Read more about the article Deserted fire extinguisher on 5 freeway, results in two flat tires
Traffic was brought to a stop on the Interstate 5 and Highway 14 split Tuesday afternoon, after a fire extinguisher on the road deflated two vehicle’s tires. Gilbert Bernal/The Signal

Deserted fire extinguisher on 5 freeway, results in two flat tires

Traffic was brought to a stop on the Interstate 5 and Highway 14 split Tuesday afternoon, after a fire extinguisher on the road deflated two vehicles’ tires.  “At 12:51 p.m.,…

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Read more about the article Ways to show your heart some love
Eating healthy, staying active and getting regular checkups are all steps someone can take to lower their risk of heart disease. Metro Creative.

Ways to show your heart some love

February is American Heart Month, which is the best time to remind yourself how you can show your heart some love. Though heart disease is the leading cause of death…

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Read more about the article Henry Mayo hosts events for National Nutrition Month
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital is planning to host three events during National Nutrition Month (March), to encourage Santa Clarita residents to eat healthy. Metro creative.

Henry Mayo hosts events for National Nutrition Month

Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital is planning to host three events during National Nutrition Month (March), to encourage Santa Clarita residents to eat healthy.  “National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education…

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Foothill League track and field athletes show out at Trevor Habberstad Invitational

Canyon High School hosted its first-ever Distance Carnival on Friday night along with the annual Trevor Habberstad Invitational. Over 28 teams showed at Harry Welch Stadium with a plethora of…

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Read more about the article Woman suspected of attacking husband with sword booked on felony charge
Deputies respond to a wife reportedly assaulting her husband with a samurai sword in Newhall on Friday. Bobby Block / The Signal.

Woman suspected of attacking husband with sword booked on felony charge

A woman who allegedly attacked her husband with a sword Friday was booked on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon. Over email on Monday, Shirley Miller, a spokeswoman…

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Read more about the article A wild ride to 95
WWII U.S. Army veteran Don Kuehl celebrates his 95th birthday at the Bouquet Canyon Senior Apartments in Santa Clarita on Thursday, February 20, 2020. Dan Watson/The Signal

A wild ride to 95

Saugus resident Don Kuehl recently celebrated his 95th birthday at the Bouquet Canyon Senior Apartments. After cake and some laughs with his friends, Kuehl reflected on his 95 years, sharing…

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Read more about the article SCV students gain firsthand legislative experience in Sacramento
Santa Clarta students in Sacramento in February 2020 during the annual California YMCA Youth and Government Model Legislature and Court (MLC) program. Courtesy of Rebecca Kelly

SCV students gain firsthand legislative experience in Sacramento

Along with 3,000 other California teens, eight Santa Clarita Valley students traveled to Sacramento recently to get a firsthand experience of the state’s legislative process and present a bill local…

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