Read more about the article What is the best age to spay or neuter pets?
Pet owners should weigh the pros and cons of spaying and neutering with a qualified animal professional. The ASPCA notes that letting animals repoduce unchecked can lead to homelessness and medical and behavioral issues.

What is the best age to spay or neuter pets?

Animal overpopulation is a concern that affects the well-being of pets. The ASPCA says letting animals reproduce unchecked can lead to pet homelessness

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Read more about the article Creative ways to use holiday photo cards
Josh Adams, 9, takes photos of the photos on his family’s 2019 holiday cards to add to the contact list in his mom’s phone.

Creative ways to use holiday photo cards

If you sent holiday photo cards, you probably know from experience that the final image may be stunning, but the production process wasn’t easy.

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Read more about the article Let trends guide your 2020 travel
Portugal’s reputation for primo surfing and affordability has made it a desirable place to explore. PHOTO COURTESY GETTY IMAGES

Let trends guide your 2020 travel

While there’s plenty to be said for taking the proverbial road less traveled, fellow tourists can provide a wealth of knowledge to help shape a vacation filled with lifelong memories.

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Read more about the article Kathie Martin ­— Building bridges as water PIO
Kathie Martin was brought in to SCV Water to help usher in the merger of the four water companies into one entity. PHOTOS BY DAN WATSON / THE SIGNAL

Kathie Martin ­— Building bridges as water PIO

Kathie Martin, the public information office of SCV Water, said before she came to the Santa Clarita Valley, she didn’t really know all the intricacies of water delivery, or water politics.

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Read more about the article Hart girls hoops gains experience in loss to Granada Hills
Hart senior Emma Allen tries to get around a defender in a matchup with Granada Hills at Hart High School on Jan. 3. Cory Rubin/The Signal

Hart girls hoops gains experience in loss to Granada Hills

Hart girls basketball returns just four players from last year’s team, meaning 11 new additions are looking to gain some confidence and experience this season. Friday night’s 38-32 loss to…

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